Sunday, May 27, 2012

What not to do when you want to save time

Note to self (and all and sundry)
When taking the Metro, do not think you can get places faster by changing lines. Tried it yesterday. We took the Green line to Union, then the Red to Khalid bin al Walid (bypassing all the Green stations between those two and saving time- or so we thought!), and then onto the Green again. The people who were with us on the train till Union and were once more fellow passengers from Khalid bin al Walid smiled at our foolishness.
Will probably need to test this at least once more.
However- lesson (for the time being) learned.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Musings while waiting for fellow blogger

Stories. I've always loved them.
Everyone has one. Every person taking the Metro. Every person standing on the escalators to get out of the deep blue that is Khaid bin al Walid station. Everyone.
Each person's story is important. And it's also important to be part of someone else's story. That's the beauty of knowing and being known by many people- the chance to be a character in several stories.
I read because I love stories. (And if the books and Kindles are any indication, there are kindred spirits travelling.) I think I listen too because I love stories. Stories real and unreal. Stories old and new, of man and animal and objects inanimate but alive.
All my life all I've wanted to do is record stories, not necessarily my own. For me it's not just about being a writer: it's being a storyteller.
 May the Metro provide much inspiration!
Live long and prosper!